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PlayStation Sponsors MTV Awards

Sony joins the list of sponsors for the 14th annual MTV Video Music Awards on September 4.


The MTV Video Music Awards is getting to be like the Super Bowl in terms of the number of cool commercials aired. This year, Sony's PlayStation jumps on the bandwagon to sponsor the show, which undoubtedly will feature many ads for the system and its games.

The Music Awards event is scheduled to occur just before the PlayStation's second anniversary, so one should expect to see ads for such top titles as Crash Bandicoot 2, Parappa the Rapper, Sony's sports line, and Sony's biggest title this year - Final Fantasy VII.

The PlayStation joins Sony Pictures, Sony Portable Music, Nike, Pepsi, Levi's, Taco Bell, 1-800-COLLECT, and Best Buy in sponsoring the 14th Annual MTV Video Music Awards. The live event airs September 4 and will include live performances from many popular acts. It will also include the presentation of a Video Vanguard award to rapper LL Cool J.

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