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PlayStation 2's Ground Control

It's Ground Control for the Playstation 2, as Sierra confirms that a port of the PC original is headed to Sony's console.


Sierra Studios announced recently that it is publishing Ground Control, the real-time combat strategy game, for the Sony PlayStation 2. Developed by Swedish-based company Massive Entertainment, the game tells the story of two all-powerful, futuristic corporations know as Craven Industries and the Order of the New Dawn. These rival companies compete for alien soil and resources, as Earth has become hopelessly overcrowded. In Ground Control, the player is thrust into the final, climactic battle for the mysterious planet Krig-7b as Major Sarah Parker. As in other RTS games on the market, players must focus on completing mission objectives, assigning personnel and armament judiciously, and taking to the battlefield, armed to the teeth.

The game, which is also in development for the PC, will feature more than 30 individualized missions and additional tutorial missions as well. Taking to the battlefield, players can direct infantry, mobile units, aircraft, and support units in multiple configurations. The focus of the gameplay, according to Sierra Studios, will be on tactics and strategy. To complement the one-player mode, Massive Entertainment is also implementing multiplayer options for the PlayStation 2 version. At this time, it doesn't look as though this multiplayer mode will implement any network gaming features, as in the PC incarnation.

"By using the new PlayStation 2 technology, and with support from Massive, we'll be able to take the PC version of Ground Control to the next level, providing a new fan base with an exciting and different gameplay experience. The game will be attractive to both action and strategy gamers alike," said Mark Hook, senior vice president at Sierra Studios.

Sierra is yet to announce a release date for Ground Control for the PS2.

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