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PlayStation 2 Tours North America

Sony has created a 68-foot truck trailer to demo the PS2 around the United States.


SCEA announced today that its refurbished PS2 Touring Attraction will debut at the Hard Rock Cafe Rockfest at the Chicago Motor Speedway on July 22. The climate-controlled trailer can handle more than 60 gamers at a time, and it will let them play games such as Tekken Tag Tournament, Ridge Racer V, Smuggler's Run, Armored Core 2, and more. The trailer converts into a head-to-head mode where participants can compete on an 80-inch screen.

"We are extremely proud to present the US consumer debut of the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system this summer, providing loyal PlayStation fans across the nation with the ultimate computer entertainment experience through our customized touring vehicle," said Andrew House, Sony's VP of marketing. "The sheer power and revolutionary gameplay of the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system are best understood when experiencing the system firsthand. The PlayStation 2 Touring Attraction allows our consumers the exclusive prelaunch opportunity to be among the very first to sample the awesome strength of the product."

At night, when weather permits, the PlayStation 2 Touring Attraction transforms and literally opens up - allowing the general public to view players who are in PS2 video game action - while still controlling the level of light on board for optimum gameplay.

Rockfest is the first stop on a summer tour during which the PlayStation 2 truck will hit the 2000 Target Grand Prix in Chicago, Illinois (July 28 to 30), and the Musikfest 2000 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (August 4 to 13). More stops are planned, so keep your eyes on GameSpot News to see if this behemoth is stopping in a town near you.

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