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Play Genesis and TG-16 on DC

Gamers can soon play classic Sega Genesis and NEC Turbo Grafx 16 games on the Sega Dreamcast.


Sega of Japan announced on Tuesday that it will distribute over 300 titles from classic video-game consoles, like the Sega Genesis and the NEC Turbo Grafx 16, over the Internet for the Sega Dreamcast console. Titles from the collection will include such games as Sonic, Columns, Outrun, Puyo Puyo, and Pac-Man.

Players will use a special GD-ROM to download a game in about two minutes; each game will cost 100-300 yen (about US$1-3). The game can then be stored in the memory of the Dreamcast for a limited time, from a day up to a week - using a system similar to that of video rental stores. Gamers will need to use the special GD-ROM in order to access the game once it is stored on their machine.

The Internet downloadable service begins February 2000 in Japan. We'll have more details in the near future.

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