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Pedro Pascal Doesn't Recommend Eating Magic Mushrooms And Watching The Last Of Us

"That might put you off it for good. So don't do that."


Pedro Pascal stars on HBO's The Last of Us, a TV series based on Naughty Dog's video game that tells a story about a fungal infection that turns people into zombies infected. Pascal isn't scared of mushrooms, though, but he can't recommend eating magic mushrooms and then watching The Last of Us.

"I love mushrooms. All kinds. The kinds in restaurants. The kinds that used to come in a little ziplock bag in the '90s. And now the kinds that are in these colorful chocolates," Pascal said on Late Night with Seth Meyers.

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Now Playing: The Last of Us Episode 6 Breakdown: Tommy’s Secret, Joel’s Breakdown, Gabriel Luna Interview

Asked by Meyers about eating psychedelic mushrooms and then watching The Last of Us, Pascal said, "That, I would not do. That might put you off it for good. So don't do that."

For what it's worth, the Cordyceps fungal infection presented on The Last of Us is not likely to happen in real life, according to experts. Mushroom researcher Paul Stamets said The Last of Us plays off a fear of fungi that is not grounded in reality.

The Last of Us is nearing the end of its first season, with just three episodes to go. Thankfully for fans hoping to see where the story goes, HBO has renewed the show for a second season.

For more on the newest episode of The Last of Us, check out GameSpot's breakdown video above, including our own interview with Tommy actor Gabriel Luna.

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