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PC Data Releases Monthly Numbers

Diablo, Microsoft Flight Sim, and Command &Conquer Red Alert retain top three spots; Magic: The Gathering makes first chart appearance.


PC Data released its list of top-selling PC games for March. Once again, Diablo has retained the top spot, with Microsoft Flight Simulator and Command & Conquer Red Alert in second and third, respectively. All three and the fourth best-selling game, Myst (which has been discounted to around US$20 in many areas), retained their spots from last month. Magic: The Gathering, in its first chart appearance, came in at 7th, while Monopoly Multimedia and Barbie Fashion Designer leapt into the top ten. Quake and Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition both slipped three spots.

1. Diablo, Blizzard2. Microsoft Flight Simulator, Microsoft3. Command & Conquer Red Alert, Virgin4. Myst, Broderbund5. Barbie Fashion Designer, Mattel6. NASCAR II, Sierra On-Line7. Magic: The Gathering, MicroProse8. Monopoly, Multimedia9. Quake, GT Interactive10. Tomb Raider, Eidos 11. Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition, GT Interactive12. Archives II: Star Wars Collection, LucasArts13. Microsoft Return of Arcade, Microsoft14. Warcraft: Battle Chest, Blizzard15. Wheel of Fortune, Graphix Zone16. Lords of the Realm, Sierra On-Line17. Doom II, GT Interactive18. Dark Forces, LucasArts19. Quake Mission Pack, Activision20. Civilization 2, MicroProse

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