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Paragon Open Beta XP Boost Giveaway

Grab your code to earn an additional XP Boost (+100%)!


This week, Epic Games released its free-to-play MOBA, Paragon, in free Open Beta for PC and PlayStation 4. Developed by the creators of Gears of War and Unreal Tournament, Paragon is a competitive 5v5 MOBA that combines the ferocity of third-person action with the deep strategic choice of a MOBA. And to celebrate, GameSpot is giving away XP boost codes for Paragon! These codes will offer an additional XP Boost (+100%) for players for three days after the codes are redeemed. These codes can be redeemed in any region so everyone can play!

In Paragon, every match is an epic clash of Heroes, each with their own unique design and play style that can turn the tide of battle. With a new Hero every three weeks, Paragon offers endless opportunity for new players and MOBA veterans alike.

Paragon is designed so that every player can compete and win without ever spending money. All Heroes are always free-to-play. Cards can only be earned by playing the game. Those who would dare reach the highest levels of skill can tackle Master Challenges. As you increase your Hero level, you’ll unlock new card packs, unique taunts, and valuable rewards.

To learn more about Paragon and how to download the game for PC and PlayStation 4, head over to

IMPORTANT: The code will be sent to the email that you use to fill out the form. You do not need to be a registered GameSpot member to enter to win.

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