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Nyko Unveils Third-Party PlayStation Controller

Viper2 passes Sony's rigorous performance demands.


Nyko's new Viper2 has received licensing status from Sony Computer Entertainment America, making it the first and only third-party controller to include both force feedback and dual analog controls in North America. The pad supports independent turbo fire and a steering wheel simulation mode where the left stick controls steering and the right stick controls the throttle and brake. Nyko feels that the controller's oversized ergonomics and eight-way digital pad, included for fighting games, will make it a hit for fans of all gaming genres.

"This license represents another significant milestone for Nyko," said Robert Rienick, vice president of sales and marketing for Nyko. "We are proud to have met SCEA's strict testing standards. Our engineering effort to earn this new license over the past two years reinforces our commitment to the PlayStation consumer. Nyko considers it an honor to be the first to license this type of controller from Sony Computer Entertainment America."

The Viper2 is available in five translucent colors and has a suggested retail price of US$24.95.

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