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Nyko E3 2008

Homer and I caught up with the Nyko guys over in West Hall at the LA Convention Center. They briefed us on the new accessories they announced for the show, the Media Hub+ and new Intercooler TS units for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The Media Hub+ is Nyko's new port expansion unit for the...


Homer and I caught up with the Nyko guys over in West Hall at the LA Convention Center. They briefed us on the new accessories they announced for the show, the Media Hub+ and new Intercooler TS units for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

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The Media Hub+ is Nyko's new port expansion unit for the PlayStation 3. The hub uses a precious USB slot on your PS3 but it's a good investment because the unit provides three additional USB ports and a memory card reader compatible with memory sticks and SD memory cards. The Media Hub+ basically gives back the two USB ports and memory card reader Sony stripped from the 40 GB PlayStation 3.

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Most gamers are probably already familiar with Nyko's Intercooler line of console climate control devices. The first generation models raised questions about voiding product warranties because they pulled power from the consoles through a USB connection, but Nyko has addressed that issue with its new Intercooler TS line by switching from USB over to external AC power.

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The "TS" stands for TempSmart, the new temperature sensing technology that activates the fans when temperatures are high. The new intercoolers will also keep running even after the system is powered down until the sensors decide that temperatures have fallen to an acceptable level.

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The Media Hub+ ships in August, and the two Intercooler TS models will arrive a month later in September.

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