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Nvidia SLI certification program up and running

Graphics manufacturer introduces certification and logo program to guarantee SLI component compatibility.


Today, Nvidia announced that its SLI Certification and Logo Program is operational. Nvidia's SLI technology enables two PCI Express video cards to work together in a desktop system to increase graphics performance.

Given the complexity of the technology, Nvidia has introduced its new certification program to validate all third-party system components used in an SLI system to ensure compatibility across all the possible video card and motherboard product combinations.

Component manufacturers will be allowed to use an "Nvidia SLI-Ready" logo with products that have passed the certification process. System builders who use SLI-Ready products and pass thermal, shock, power, and vibration testing will be allowed to display an "Nvidia SLI" logo.

The first components with the "SLI-Ready" logo will appear later this month; systems will appear in volume mid-December.

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