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Nioh Not Ever Coming To Xbox Despite Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's Game Pass Plans

In a recent interview with the game's producers, it was made clear that there are no plans to bring Nioh to the platform.


Despite Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty being a day one Game Pass title on Xbox, Team Ninja has no plans to bring Nioh to the platform.

In a recent interview with VGC, Wo Long producers Fumihiko Yasuda and Masaaki Yamagiwa spoke about their previous work and how that's influenced the game. The team's previous game, Nioh, was obviously brought up, but when asked if the game would be coming to Xbox considering Wo Long is a day-one Game Pass title, Yasuda said that it won't be.

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"There’s nothing really to note about that," said Yasuda. "Currently, there’s not really too much of a possibility of having Nioh on Xbox platforms, but we do hope Xbox fans enjoy Wo Long and look forward to that game coming out. That’s probably all we can say on that at the moment."

That might be disappointing to Xbox players hoping to try the PlayStation- and PC-exclusive title out, but as noted, Wo Long is coming to Game Pass, so those looking for a new challenge from Team Ninja mostly just have to play the waiting game until next year, when the title is expected to release.

Yasuda did note in the interview with VGC that there's a growing presence for Xbox in Japan, and that Game Pass is "helping a lot more people get acquainted with the Xbox platform."

GameSpot recently had a chance to go hands on with Wo Long, saying it feels like it's "riffing on a riff," and that "Team Ninja once again borrows some of the underpinnings of From Software's lauded series, but takes a faster, more Ninja Gaiden-like approach. It's some of the same ideas but with a different feel, which will challenge action game fans in a lot of different ways."

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