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Nintendo Teases Game Awards Appearance In Smash Bros. Ultimate Tweet

This award show is going to be a smash.


Nintendo has plugged the upcoming Game Awards, with the implication that we could see something related to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at the event. The tweet doesn't explicitly promise any reveals, though, so it could just be tying the two together for promotional purposes.

The Game Awards will air tonight, just hours before the launch of Smash Ultimate. This wasn't lost on Nintendo, which told its fans to tune in live before the game launch. It's possible, though far from definite, that the company has a reveal planned for the event. It could be presenting info regarding the upcoming Smash DLC, for example, or another project altogether. The show itself has teased ten new announcements along with updates on released games; you can watch The Game Awards here on GameSpot.

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Of course, tying the two together could be completely innocuous, as Nintendo is up for some awards itself. The company may just be promoting a big industry event, with plans to attend.

The Game Awards will kick off on Thursday at 8:30 PM ET / 5:30 PM PT / 1:30 AM GMT (Friday) / 12:30 PM AET (Friday). You can watch it right here at GameSpot. In the meantime check out the full list of nominees.

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