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Nintendo tagged by Graffiti

California developer to support Nintendo hardware as publisher for Wii, DS games; no titles yet announced.


Another publisher is on board to help support the Wii and DS with games. Graffiti Entertainment, a subsidiary of Signature Devices, today announced that it has been granted North American publishing rights from Nintendo.

The company is "currently evaluating a number of titles for publication" on the Wii and DS, and hopes to have some games in stores within a few months.

Graffiti has not yet announced any specific titles for the Wii or DS, and it's unclear whether they will be porting some of their previously released titles or creating new games for the platforms. Graffiti, formed in early 2006, has shipped the PC titles Crazy Frog Racer and Red Jets, and Mazes of Fate and Back to Stone for the Game Boy Advance, among others.

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