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Nintendo Busts Pokemon Criminals

13 individuals arrested in the largest Pokemon anti-counterfeiting criminal action to date.


Nintendo of America announced on today that 13 individuals were arrested in a New Jersey raid on November 30. The raid, accomplished by the Hackensack Police Department and Nintendo's New York-based investigators, is Nintendo's largest Pokemon anti-counterfeiting criminal action to date.

Police estimate that the group was responsible for producing more than US$500,000 worth of counterfeit Pokemon trading cards a week.

"As a result of the Hackensack police department's tireless efforts, this criminal action exemplifies Nintendo's policy to combat the growing international problem of product piracy," says Jodi Daugherty, manager of anti-piracy for Nintendo of America. "On behalf of Nintendo, Wizards of the Coast, and Pokemon fans everywhere, we congratulate the Hackensack police department on a significant and successful raid."

According to Nintendo, since the launch of its anti-piracy campaign, Nintendo has seized more than $20 million in counterfeit Pokemon products throughout the US.

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