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New Zelda 64 Details

A new interview with Miyamoto reveals details about Zelda 64 and the two-player mode that never made it into Star Fox 64.


Japanese magazine Dengeki Nintendo 64 has released new information about Zelda 64. In a recent issue, the magazine points out that if you look at the top of Link's head, you can see a fairy. It's present in every picture released thus far of the game. In some pictures it is white; in others it's red. The magazine says that the fairy is going to be used as an enemy sensor. When you near the location of an enemy, the fairy turns red.

At first, the pictures released made the game look similar to Mario 64, although recently released screens show overhead perspectives like those of the original.

In an interview conducted by the magazine, Miyamoto says, "In Zelda 64, I want you to expect that the 3-D will evolve from Mario 64. In Mario 64, we were very conscious about the camera, but Zelda 64 will have another 3-D gimmick. You'll be able to see how 3-D games will change."

Also in that interview, Miyamoto says that Star Fox 64 was originally conceived to have a two-player mode, but that Nintendo ran out of time. "The second player could enemies with a cursor from a camera viewpoint. But we ran out of time," he said.

Thanks to the Unofficial Nintendo 64 Headquarters for the information.

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