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New Titanfall Update Unlocks Titan-Free Skirmish Mode

Marked For Death is also now a permanent game mode.

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Titanfall's sixth major update, which introduces a Titan-free Skirmish mode, is due to go live on Wednesday.

Updates to both the Xbox One and PC editions of the game will unlock the 8v8 mode, which removes both AI bots and Titans to create a more traditional first-person shooter mode.

Developer Respawn Entertainment announced the update on the game's official home page, where it also announced that Marked For Death is now a permanent game mode.

Marked For Death nominates one player as a high-value target for everyone else to eliminate, and has proven to be popular within the Titanfall community.

"When we first introduced Marked For Death, we were planning to rotate it out for another mode after a couple of weeks, but the enduring popularity of the mode convinced us to bring it on full-time," Respawn wrote.

Numerous other improvements, additions and tweaks are detailed on the Titanfall update notes found here. They include colorblind support, as well as the option to buy Burn Cards from the Black Market.

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