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New Study Reveals People Love To Eat Food And Drink While Gaming

The study revealed that 80 percent of gamers regularly eat and drink while playing games.


A new study has shared new insight on how people enjoy to eat and drink while playing games. The Newzoo study found that the overwhelming majority--80 percent--of all gamers eat food or drink regularly while playing games.

Of the three tracked markets--North America, Western Europe, and APAC--the APAC region was most likely to eat and drink during gameplay (84 percent). Within the APAC region specifically, India (94 percent) and Indonesia (93 percent) ranked the highest in terms of percentage of players who eat and drink while playing games.

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Across all regions, men (55 percent) were more likely to be eating and drinking while playing games, while the most popular age group for eating and drinking while playing games is the 21-35 bracket.

So we know people enjoying eating and drinking while playing games, but what are they consuming? The study showed that salty snacks, sweet snacks, and soft drinks were popular in all regions, while women tended to prefer salty snacks and men had less consistency in what they ate and drank.

In North America, salty snacks were the preferred option for gamers in the 10-15 age group (60 percent), while the 16-20 age bracket leaned towards soft drinks (55 percent). The numbers are different for Western Europe and APAC, and Newzoo said this speaks to how diverse each region is.

Energy drinks are often associated with gaming, and the APAC region skewed the highest (26 percent), compared to North America (17 percent) and Western Europe (15 percent). The study also provided some insight into the likelihood of drinking beer while playing games.

18 percent gamers in Western Europe said they drink beer while gaming, compared to 15 percent each in North America and APAC. South Korea ranked among the highest for drinking beer while playing games, at 18 percent. In terms of age group, the top age for drinking beer while gaming is 26-30 in North America (27 percent), 31-35 in Western Europe (28 percent), and 36-40 in APAC (26 percent).

In all regions, men were significantly more likely to consume beer while playing games.

For lots more on this study and the methodology, check out the full rundown on Newzoo.

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