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New Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order E3 2019 Gameplay Trailer Released During Xbox Press Conference

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During Microsoft's Xbox press conference--the first of many E3 livestreams scheduled to air over the next week--the company revealed a new trailer for Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. The trailer showcased clips from an extended demo that we got to try out at E3 as part of Electronic Arts' EA Play. You can watch our impressions of it in the video below and check out the brief video shown during the conference above; we also got to play Jedi Fallen Order for ourselves.

Fallen Order focuses on the adventure of a Jedi Padawan named Cal Kestis, who escaped Order 66 and now lives as a fugitive salvager. His peaceful life comes to an abrupt end when he's discovered, though, and he has to go on the run. Cal has to rely on his minimal training to escape the Empire, which has sent the masked Second Sister--one of Darth Vader's Jedi-hunting Inquisitors--and the Purge Troopers after him. He won't be completely alone though, as Cal's journey across the galaxy sees him discovering a surviving Jedi Knight. The game releases for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on November 15, 2019.

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Now Playing: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Gameplay Trailer | Microsoft Press Conference E3 2019

This was just one of the many games Microsoft is highlighting during the ongoing conference. We also got a Cyberpunk 2077 release date--delivered by Keanu Reeves, who is in the game--and word that Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to the West on Xbox.

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Jordan Ramée

Jordan Ramée has been covering video games since 2016 and tabletop games since 2020, using his unhealthy obsessions to write what he'd argue is compelling content (we won't tell him if you don't). Do not let him know that you're playing Hollow Knight--he will take that as a sign that you wish to talk about the lore for the next five hours.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

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