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New Star Trek Beyond Trailer Showcases Spectacular Intergalactic Action

"Hold on to something!"


It's been a good week for Star Trek fans. We've had the first glimpse at the long-running sci-fi franchise's return to TV, and now a new trailer for this summer's big budget movie, Star Trek Beyond, has been released. Check it out below:

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Star Trek Beyond stars Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Idris Elba, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, and John Cho. It is the third film in the series since it was rebooted in 2009.

Cho, who plays Lieutenant Sulu, recently spoke to Famous Monsters about the new film and suggested that it linked back to Star Trek's origins. "When I read the script, my emotional impression was that it felt very much like the best of the original series," he said. "It felt like the series felt to me. And the first [film] that we made didn't entirely feel like that to me."

Cho also had praise for Justin Lin, who takes over directing duties from JJ Abrams. “He cared about the mythology, he cared about the world, he cared about getting it right, he cared about moving the characters forward," the actor explained. "I think we all had question marks; it’s tough to be told that the guy you made two successful movies with isn’t going to be helming the third one. But we were all just really pleasantly surprised as we eased into working with him.”

Star Trek Beyond hits theaters on July 22, 2016.

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