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New Rugrats in November

THQ plans to release a new Rugrats game in November for the PlayStation, GBC, and N64.


THQ plans to release a game on the PlayStation, Nintendo 64, and the Game Boy Color based on the upcoming film Rugrats in Paris - The Movie. In the game, you'll control Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Dil, and a yet-unnamed secret character through sixteen levels of Euro Reptar Land as you search for the parts you'll need to fix Stu's Robotic Reptar.

THQ told GameSpot News that the new Rugrats title is a collection of minigames: "Bursting with games for kids of all ages, players can ooze their way through Ooey-Gooey World, jump through the Chuckie Chan obstacle course, jolt the Reptar Bumper cars, and play Reptar vs. Robosnail!" The PlayStation and Nintendo 64 versions will feature voice captures from the actors who play the characters on the show. Avalanche is developing the home versions, while Software Creations is developing the handheld title. THQ will release all three games in November 2000.

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