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New N64 Chef's Luv Shak Screens

We bring you new screens of the Nintendo 64 version of Chef's Luv Shak, the ultimate South Park trivia game.


Are you a fan of South Park? Then Chef's Luv Shak is no doubt a title you'll want to check out. The premise is simple: You square off with Chef and answer a multitude of questions based on the South Park universe. Along with the trivia comes many minigames, such as tug-a-war and Spank the Monkey. Featuring new sound bites from Matt Stone, Trey Parker, and Isaac Hayes, the game will delight any hard-core South Park fan.

GameSpot News has received several new screens of the Nintendo 64 version of Luv Shak for you to browse through. The game should be ready sometime this fall, so stay tuned for more in the near future.

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