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New Marvel's Avengers Gameplay Footage Is Coming Next Month

Crystal Dynamics will feature new co-op and gameplay content.


Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montréal are hosting a special announcement stream for the upcoming Marvel's Avengers on Jun 24.

A tweet that was published on Wednesday, May 27 says that developers have "reassembled" and are working from home due to the pandemic. New details around gameplay and co-op modes will be shown off in a special "War Table" stream. This is part of Square Enix's new E3 replacement strategy that includes individual game announcements rather than a single online event.

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"We thank you for your continued passion and support while we’ve adjusted to developing Marvel’s Avengers from our homes," Crystal Dynamics tweeted on Wednesday. "We know how eager you are for new gameplay so here is a sneak peek."

Marvel's Avengers is still set for a September 4, 2020 release date after getting delayed in January so Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montréal, who are co-developing the game, can "deliver the ultimate Avengers gaming experience."

Square Enix, who is publishing Marvel's Avengers, has been releasing a steady amount of game-adjacent content since showing the game off at PAX West. They've released prequel comics for characters like Iron Man, Black Widow, and Captain America since announcing the game in 2019.

This will be the first time we'll see new gameplay footage since we had the chance to play through the early-game Avengers Day mission that takes place in San Francisco. We haven't seen much since those early showcases, which focused primarily on a tutorial-like segment that introduces each character, at E3 and PAX West. Crystal Dynamics says the game "opens up" more later on, so we'll hopefully get a deeper look at content from later on in Marvel's Avengers on June 24.

Starting June 1, GameSpot will be hosting Play For All--a celebration of all things gaming. Join us as we bring you the summer's hottest news, previews, interviews, features, and videos, as well as raise money for COVID-19 relief efforts with the help of our friends from around the gaming world. Check out the Play For All schedule for more.

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