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New Heroes of the Storm Skins Include One That Lets You Transform Into a Bat

Plus, alternatives for the upcoming Necromancer and Wizard characters.


Quite a few new skins and mounts are on the way to Heroes of the Storm, including some for the two newly announced characters, Diablo II's Necromancer and Diablo III's Wizard.

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Mastery skins for both of those new characters are seen in the video, but more exciting are the skins that offer themed abilities. These include Lunar Jaina (one of several new Lunar Festival-themed skins), Love Doctor Lt. Morales (who has most of her abilities adorned with hearts in one way or another), and Crimson Count Arthas.

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The Arthas skin is arguably the best of the bunch, as it not only gives him a much different look and offers themed abilities, it also allows him to transform into a bat, presumably as an alternative to getting on a mount.

There are new mounts for all characters as well, including the Cloud Serpent, Lunar Dragon, and Star Chariot.

Pricing wasn't announced for any of this, but it won't be long before we find out, as Blizzard says all of this content is being released in the "upcoming weeks."

For more details on the new characters, check out our interview with director Dustin Browder about how they came about and Blizzard's desire to offer higher skill-cap characters.

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