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New Ghostrunner Game Unveils Cyberpunk Dystopia In Reveal Trailer

The first-person action game is headed to PC, PS4, and Xbox One sometime next year.


Publisher All In Games, responsible for upcoming titles like Metamorphosis and Space Cows, has unveiled a new cyberpunk game called Ghostrunner during Gamescom. The first-person slasher is the latest project developed by One More Level, creators of Deadlings and God's Trigger.

Ghostrunner is slated to launch on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, though no official release date has been confirmed. The game's Steam store page reports a planned 2020 release window.

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Now Playing: Ghostrunner - 7 Minutes Of Cyberpunk Slashing | Gamescom 2019

The first-person action games seemingly blends elements from a few different media. Ghostrunner seems to mix the first-person exploration of Mirror's Edge, the combat of Dishonored, and the techno-futuristic world of The Matrix--which is getting a fourth entry with actors Carrie-Anne Moss and Keanu Reeves reprising their roles.

All In laid out Ghostrunner's narrative in a press release. In Ghostrunner, the scarcity of resources, coupled with a cataclysm that wipes out most of humanity and rips through the environment, has forced the population's remains into a war-torn tower. It's up to you, a cyber-warrior who can battle in the real world and the digital world, to ascend the tower to mend what has been broken.

We got our hands on Ghostrunner on the Gamescom show floor. Our 7-minute gameplay demo, above, runs through a brief, tutorial-like mission with plenty of running, jumping, and cutting up enemies in a neon-drenched dystopian train station.

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