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New Final Fantasy XI details revealed

Read about the setting and general theme of SquareSoft's upcoming PlayStation 2 RPG.


GameSpot has learned new details on Final Fantasy XI for the PlayStation 2. The game will take place in the world of Vana Dir. In this world, different races live in a place where sword, sorcery, and technology coexist. Details regarding the game's story are sketchy at this point, but it is known that the game involves battling against a resurrected evil existence and searching for crystals.

No specific gameplay details have been disclosed yet. However, in Hironobu Sakaguchi's vision the game's story will be more involved than in previous online RPGs. Sakaguchi hopes that the world of Final Fantasy XI will have a general history and the game's plot will sweep through the entire gameworld. Stay tuned to GameSpot for further coverage of Final Fantasy XI.

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