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New Dreamcast Movie Downloads

Take a look at new Dreamcast movies of Jet Set Radio, Space Channel 5, Langrisser Millenium, and Typing of the Dead.


We've put together some new videos of some of the games in the Dreamcast lineup that Sega had on display at last weekend's Tokyo Game Show. Below are the videos and a brief description for each. For more info on these and the may other Dreamcast games at the Tokyo Game Show, click on the link to the right for our full TGS feature.

Typing of the Dead – Check out video of our Japanese correspondent Yutaka Ohbuchi killing zombies by typing away on the Dreamcast keyboard.

Space Channel 5 – The surprise hit of the show for Sega. Battle aliens with your dance moves – could it sound any weirder? It certainly attracted many peoples' attention with its cool music and 70's look.

Jet Set Radio – Sporting visuals like you've never seen before (the game looks like a cartoon, but it's all generated with polygons), Jet Set Radio is definitely another completely unique title to expect from Sega.

Langrisser Millenium – The Langrisser series, although popular in Japan, never made it to the US. Perhaps the new Dreamcast game with its great visuals (apparent in our new video) will make it to our shores.

Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram – Looking as good or better than its arcade counterpart, Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram will feature online gaming support in Japan. Definitely looks like another Dreamcast hit for Sega.

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