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New Battlefield 5 Map, Mercury, Releases This Week For Free

Battlefield V's next free map is coming soon.


Battlefield V is adding a new map very soon, and now DICE has released a trailer for it. The new map, Mercury, is coming to Battlefield V on May 30 through a free update.

As you can see, the new map is called Mercury, and it's set in Greece in the Mediterranean. The map is part of Battlefield V's Chapter 3: Trial By Fire update. "Based on the events of Operation Mercury in 1941, this map lets you deploy on the coast of Crete where the British take on the invading German forces," reads a line from the map's official description.

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In a blog post, DICE said the gameplay for Mercury is focused on "verticality, all-out war, and asymmetrical vehicle forces." The British side has tanks and only a small number of planes, with the German side commanding the skies with more planes.

DICE says Mercury has been designed for a number of different playstyles, and the map itself borrows characteristics from maps like Guadalcanal (Battlefield 1942), Altai Range (Battlefield 4), and Monte Grappa (Battlefield 1).

"Due to the size and verticality of the map, tempo will vary. Find holes in the defense to flank or engage in a hot firefight around one of the flags," DICE said. "There's a place in the map for SMGs to clash with shotguns, while Recon players can snipe at Support players, who in turn suppress enemies with their LMGs."

You can read this in-depth blog post to learn more about Mercury and to get some tips on how to have the most success on the battlefield.

Battlefield V launched in October last year and it was one of the year's biggest games with more than 7 million copies sold in two months (though that was below EA's commercial expectations).

DICE has steadily supported Battlefield V with numerous free updates adding a variety of things like new maps and modes, including the uber-popular battle royale mode Firestorm.

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