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New Battlefield 5 Gamescom Teaser [Update: Full Trailer Out Now]

Just a tease of what's to come.


We received an exclusive teaser of Battlefield 5 from EA DICE. Though brief, the clip showcases some of Battlefield 5's explosive action and reveals that the first-person shooter's official Gamescom trailer is launching tomorrow. [Update: The full Gamescom trailer has arrived, and it seems to include a tease for the game's battle royale mode.]

DICE hasn't revealed at what exact time the Gamescom trailer will launch, or detailed what the video will entail. The only hint we have to go on is the trailer's name: Official Battlefield 5 Gamescom Trailer - Devastation of Rotterdam.

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Tomorrow's trailer most likely depicts this attack, although it could also be about the German and Dutch stalemate--during the Battle for Rotterdam--that occurred in the days prior to the bombing as well. Regardless, do you think Battlefield 5's Gamescom trailer will showcase a multiplayer map or a new single-player campaign? Witnessing the destruction of Rotterdam could be a mournful story mission, but the battle itself could be a hectic addition to the game's multiplayer.

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below, and be sure to keep checking back on GameSpot tomorrow for the new Battlefield 5 trailer. Battlefield 5 launches for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on October 19.

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