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Namco Spins R4 Soundtrack

In Japan, Namco plans to release a soundtrack album for its latest racing title, R4: Ridge Racer Type 4.


Namco has announced that it will release a soundtrack for its latest racing game, R4: Ridge Racer Type 4, on January 27. It will be available only in Japan or through import stores that carry soundtracks. The price is an MSRP of 2,500 yen (about $21.50 at current exchange rates).

Game soundtracks are very rare here in the States, although in the last few years, soundtracks to games like The Legend of Zelda 64, Myst, Riven, etc. have been made and sold commercially. More often, however, soundtracks have been given as freebies with prepurchases of games.

Not so in Japan. Game soundtracks there are often much more than just the game's original background music. Many times, as in the case with some of the Final Fantasy games, companies will remix the songs or have them performed by real orchestras. Too bad we don't get those in the US, eh?

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