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Namco Bandai announces free-to-play SoulCalibur: Lost Swords

Namco Bandai's latest free-to-play fighter coming to PS3.


Namco Bandai is working on a free-to-play version of its long-running fighting series SoulCalibur.

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The latest issue of Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu (translated by Gematsu) confirmed that SoulCalibur: Lost Swords is being developed for the PlayStation 3.

No additional information about the game was provided.

SoulCalibur is Namco Bandai's latest attempt at free-to-play, following Tekken Revolution and Ridge Racer Driftopia.

The last entry in the series, SoulCalibur V, was released in 2012. "Once the steep learning curve is surmounted, you will find a fresh-yet-familiar fighting system that's fun to explore," said GameSpot in its review.

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