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MTV Shows to Become Virtual

Take-Two announced a licensing deal to create video games based on popular MTV shows.


Broadband Studios, Inc, a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive, announced today that it has acquired the exclusive rights to publish all future console, PC, and online versions of games based on popular shows from the MTV Network. The four-year agreement gives Take-Two the sole right to publish original games based on such shows as Road Rules, Celebrity Deathmatch, Beat Suite, and any new programs introduced during the term of the agreement. Broadband will not publish games based on the MTV: Sports lineup, however, as other development studios such as THQ have already begun work on games like MTV Sports: Pure Ride Snowboarding.

"Partnering with Take-Two and Broadband Studios gives us the opportunity to develop exclusive product, which we believe will give our audience the best interactive experience possible," said Lisa Silfen, vice president of program enterprises at MTV.

"This agreement gives us the opportunity to create several gaming franchises based on one of the world's leading entertainment trademarks," added Sam Houser, president of Rockstar Games. "With our own focus placed squarely on the creation of fresh new content for broadband and next-generation console delivery, the use of the MTV: Music Television brand is a tremendous additive."

No further details on specific platforms or games were released.

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