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Mortal Kombat 5 May Go 3dfx

Mortal Kombat co-creator reveals what is planned for Mortal Kombat 5


In a chat session Wednesday night, Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon revealed that given Mortal Kombat 5's development schedule, the game will very likely use a version of 3dfx's upcoming Rampage chipset, which the company has been developing for nearly two years.

Hosted by The Realm of Mortal Kombat fan site (check the link at right for more information), Boon reportedly stated (in a nutshell) that when the 3dfx Rampage chip was finished it was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Among other things revealed: Boon said that Mortal Kombat 5 was due out in late 2000; a version of the 3dfx chip will be in the coin-op version of the game; and there would be a lot of changes from previous games in the series. Again, for more information (especially the chat log), click on the Realm of Mortal Kombat link at right.

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