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More Call Of Duty: WW2 Multiplayer Details Revealed

"People are going to go bananas."


More details on Call of Duty: WWII's multiplayer have come to light. Whereas past games like Black Ops III and Infinite Warfare featured boost-jumping and other futuristic maneuvers, Call of Duty: WWII is a return to the "roots" of the series, featuring weapons and maps authentic to the time period.

"This arsenal of World War II weapons and the signatures of those weapons were really uniquely defined," Sledgehammer Games boss Michael Condrey told GamesRadar (via CharlieIntel). "Obviously, we have the classics that people know and love like the SMG-44 and the Garand, the rifles, the SMGs like the Thompson or the Grease Gun--but clearly shotguns and LMGs meant things, and the battlefields would respond."

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In terms of the maps, Condrey teased that Call of Duty: WWII will have "really unique" maps, which will take players to "iconic locations from around the globe," including Normandy on D-Day.

"There's so many real varied engagements in World War II that really lend itself well to saying, 'Hey, these were real battle sites, they were very different in their strategy and we have a real world arsenal of weapons that you will have to manage in order to be successful there,'" he said.

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As you'd expect, Condrey is very enthusiastic about Call of Duty: WWII's multiplayer.

"For fans in general, a return to the strategic, grounded fast action of multiplayer where we began? Frankly, people are going to go bananas," he said. "It's going to be great."

The multiplayer also includes a new mode called War. Condrey said this takes the form of a "series of objective-driven conflicts," which sounds something like Battlefield 1's Operations.

And as for the new Headquarters space, which has been likened to Destiny's Tower, Condrey said Headquarters is where players will go "to be social." He said "dozens" of characters can interact in "new ways" while inside Headquarters. Condrey used World of Warcraft's Orgrimmar area as an example of what Headquarters may feel like.

"I remember the impact of going to Orgrimmar in World of Warcraft for the first time, and seeing people being social, showing off their gear, practicing their combat, duelling, all these things.," he said. "So imagine a Call of Duty space that provides that, anchors you in World War II, and continues your social engagement and your attachment to your avatar in a really transformational new space with other community members."

Go to GamesRadar to read the full interview.

For more on Call of Duty: WWII, which launches on November 3, check out GameSpot's roundup of everything we know: Call Of Duty: WW2 - Everything We Know So Far

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