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Modern Warfare 3 Leak Suggests The Walking Dead Crossover Coming To Call Of Duty

Rick and Michonne might be coming to MW3.


Season 1 of Modern Warfare 3 arrives next month, and data miners are already using the game files to uncover what secrets might be planned for the big update. These leakers are finding references to a potential crossover with The Walking Dead's Rick Grimes and Michonne.

Known leaker HeyImAlaix has shared that the latest game files reference The Walking Dead. While leaks and rumors should be taken with a grain of salt, the data mining suggests this collaboration is themed around the Rick and Michonne spin-off The Ones Who Live, which releases next year on February 25.

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Now Playing: Modern Warfare 3 MP And Zombies Review

Big crossovers like this no longer sound surprising, as Call of Duty is scoring tons of major IP deals these days with collabs such as The Boys, Attack on Titan, and The Evil Dead, and Dune. However, it would make a great addition to Season 1 of Modern Warfare 3, which is scheduled to begin sometime in early December.

Season 1 will bring a new seasonal battle pass, more multiplayer maps, Zombies updates, and Warzone integration with the new Urzikstan map. Here's a first look at Season 1's brand-new core multiplayer maps for 6v6 modes.

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