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MK4 Gets Hometown Reception

A brand new version of MK4 gets installed at the Chicago stop on the MK4 Road Tour, and Ed Boon drops by to meet fans.


Chicago area Mortal Kombat fans gathered in Lombard, Illinois on Saturday to play Mortal Kombat 4 at its stop at Enchanted Castle. As Midway's arcade division is located in the area, it was truly a hometown celebration. Midway employees were overheard saying that the Chicago stop had the largest turnout of any of the Road Tour stops thus far, and that was definitely an understatement.

As the line got longer, anticipation escalated. Finally, players were allowed to move through the line, giving the new version of MK4 a shot. Beforehand, Midway employees showed the crowd a bit of what the game could do, accompanied by oohs and aahs from the audience.

Ed Boon, half of the duo behind the Mortal Kombat series, was there too, to deliver an even newer version of the game to the Tour. MK fans asked for (and got) his autograph on everything from gaming magazines and pieces of paper to the mini-posters handed out advertising the tour.

In the August 9 version of the game, two new characters were present - Kai and Reptile. Even better was news that the game would be going on test in about a week. Gamers can expect to find MK4 in their local arcades probably sometime in September, according to Boon.

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