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MK Road Tour Moves On

Gamers awaiting a glimpse of the new Mortal Kombat have only to go as far as the local arcade.


Gamers have been waiting for a long time for a glimpse of Mortal Kombat 4, and this weekend they finally got one.

The Mortal Kombat 4 Road Tour began this past weekend and stopped in Boston and New York in the East, San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas in Texas, and Seattle and Portland on the West.

Over the weekend, fan sites devoted to Mortal Kombat were set afire by the new screens, movies, and details on MK4's gameplay. The screenshots may not be the absolute highest quality, but they are certainly enough to excite MK fans and stir up anticipation for its final release later this fall (see Rat's site).

Ed Boon also finally updated his site, saying that soon a new Mortal Kombat 4 AVI movie will be made available to let gamers who can't get to Road Tour stops check out the game.

If you don't know about the Mortal Kombat Road Tour, then you should stop by the Official Mortal Kombat 4 web site and see if the tour will be stopping near you.

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