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Minor Match Format Change

There is a minor adjustment to the format of the Friday finals.  This change will be applied to Mission 1, as well as to both Mission 2 and 3, and will ensure a better Round Robin format. Each of the four teams will play each other in a 4-round match.  Each round will be 2 minutes in length, and...


There is a minor adjustment to the format of the Friday finals.  This change will be applied to Mission 1, as well as to both Mission 2 and 3, and will ensure a better Round Robin format.

Each of the four teams will play each other in a 4-round match.  Each round will be 2 minutes in length, and each team will play 2 rounds as Counter-Terrorists and 2 rounds as Terrorists.  A round win will be worth one point, for a possible total of 4 points per match.  The team with the highest point total after all six matches have been played will be named champions.  In the event of a tie, a 3-round playoff will take place. 

The final matches live on Tournament TV will be as follows:

Match 1: Big, Black & Thunderous vs. Project Circuit

Match 2: Highly evolv3d vs. GR

Match 3: Big, Black & Thunderous vs. Highly evolv3d

Match 4: Project Circuit vs. GR

Match 5: Highly evolv3d vs. Project Circuit

Match 6: GR vs. Big, Black & Thunderous

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