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Mimesis Online beta test to begin

Players interested in participating in the beta test for Tannhauser Gate's upcoming online role-playing game can still sign up.


Developer Tannhauser Gate has announced that the beta test for its upcoming online role-playing game Mimesis Online will begin next week, and the selection of beta testers will happen this Friday, August 3. Players interested in participating in the beta test can still sign up at the game's official Web site.

Mimesis Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the distant future. The world has been completely transformed by an enormous catastrophe, and those beings who have survived are trying to rebuild civilization, each in their own way. Players enter a lawless world where they must fight for survival, joining groups or traveling alone as they choose.

We've posted some screenshots from the game in the gallery above. For more information, visit the game's official Web site. Mimesis Online is scheduled for release later this year.

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