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Midway Shows Three Titles

Bio Freaks, Rampage World Tour, and the latest build of Quake 64 were plugged into our N64. Have a look.


Bio Freaks, Rampage World Tour, and the latest build of Quake 64 were plugged into the N64 and played by VGS today. Quake 64 is almost ready for release, and we got a good look at what's coming with the other two.

Bio FreaksIt's the future and the US is divided into several-state sections, each run by a corporation. Characters represent the corporations and when you win battles, you win control of states.

Bio Freaks' fighting engine wasn't in yet, so passing judgment on (or predictions about) gameplay is impossible. However, the game was visually stunning. The battle arenas are multitiered and anything that looks solid can be fought on, including fat pipes, high ledges, and so on. Each character has more than 25 special moves and you have the option of turning "limbs" on or off - meaning that when you lose a limb, if the limb option is on, you physically lose a limb and squirts of blood occupy the space your arm once did. Characters pack two projectile weapons, and each has jump jets.

Bio Freaks is Rumble Pak compatible and both the N64 and PlayStation versions are scheduled for release this July.

Rampage World Tour Rampage World Tour has been approved by Nintendo and is on its way, with 131 levels, including 14 secret levels, and the capacity to handle one to three players.

You trash buildings in fabulous and exotic cities like Milwaukee and eat the townspeople to keep your health up (eating priests and nuns brings down a bolt of lightning, but eating flashers just generally improves the town).

All the hidden levels from the PlayStation version have been kept, as have the power-ups. For more info on RWT, check out the links to the right.

Quake 64Quake 64 is so close to being done that you can almost smell the shrinkwrap. It's Quake in all its glory with terrific lighting effects, secrets to unlock, and grenades to let loose. It's only two-player, but two-player may be enough. For every possible detail on Quake 64, read our featured preview - link to it at the right.

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