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Midway Reveals Software for Dreamcast

We all knew Midway would have titles ready for the US Dreamcast launch, but we didn't know the exact titles…until now.


We all knew Midway would have titles ready for the US Dreamcast launch, but we didn't know the exact titles…untill now.

First up is a conversion of Midway's upcoming arcade title Hydro Thunder. One of the first arcade titles to use the new Intel chips and (contrary to early reports that said it used earlier game engines) is programmed from the ground up by Midway programers. According to Associate Producer Kurtis Cherrington, the game is already up and running on the Dreamcast development hardware. The game will at least be arcade perfect if not fully improved upon graphically for the Sega system. Shots of Hydro Thunder are taken from the arcade version of the game.

The next up is a new Mortal Kombat game. The Dreamcast version will be based partly off of MK4, but the player models are being taken directly from the Full Motion Video builds to take advantage of the Sega console. There will be new moves and a host of other additions as well.

Last and certainly the one that will be the most anticipated is Blitz 2000. The title may change depending on Midway's plans for the Arcade follow-up to Blitz 99. The Dreamcast version will have many elements of Blitz 99 - like four-player support - but include also a ton of extras and enhancements. The graphics are expected to be stepped up with better polygon player builds. The development team is currently trying to use the VMS for play calling and anything else they can think of, but it depends on the display quality they will be able to achieve. The player editor feature will be expanded with more options and variety. Currently, all three are scheduled for availability at launch ... whenever that may be.

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