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Midway fortifies internal development team

Industry veterans Scot Bayless, Denise Fulton, and Stephan MartiniƩre join Midway's staff.


Midway games has hired three game industry vets to help bolster internal product development for the company. The publisher, whose recent titles include The Suffering and NBA Ballers, adds Scot Bayless, Denise Fulton, and Stephan Matiniére to its roster. Bayless, formerly of Electronic Arts and Microsoft, joins Midway as vice president and will head up the Chicago studio. Fulton, formerly of Ion Storm, Electronic Arts, and DreamWorks, is now studio head at Midway's Austin studio. Emmy award-winner Martiniére, who worked as visual art director at Cyan (on the seminal Myst franchise), is now visual design director at the Chicago studio. Midway's recent financial troubles received a positive sign from third-quarter sales, which exceeded expectations. However, the company still expects a loss for the year.

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