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Marvel's Avengers Has A Bunch Of Exclusive Cosmetics

Spider-Man isn't the only thing locked behind exclusivity in the upcoming superhero action game.


Marvel's Avengers' developer Crystal Dynamics upset many fans last week when it announced that Spider-Man is joining the upcoming game's roster as a PlayStation-exclusive character. The popular web-slinger isn't the only exclusive appearing in the superhero action game, however, as publisher Square Enix has also inked deals with various other companies.

Verizon Up customers in the US and Virgin Media customers in Europe will be able to redeem a pack of in-game skins when Marvel's Avengers launches next month, as reported by JayShockBlast on YouTube. There's also another set of exclusive skins on offer as part of a promotion with Intel, which could possibly be bundled with the company's Avengers-branded KA CPUs, and another promotion with special packs of 5 Gum that unlocks an exclusive bubble-blowing emote, smaller in-game cosmetics, and virtual currency.

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A Reddit post reportedly shows the promotional skins, which you can see below:

Verizon Up and Virgin Media skins.
Verizon Up and Virgin Media skins.
Intel skins.
Intel skins.

These skins appear to be simple recolors of costumes that already exist in the game, and promotional deals like this are nothing new. However, all of these promotional deals could make it impossible not to feel like you're missing out on content one way or another, even if you're playing on PlayStation.

Spider-Man's exclusivity is part of a wider global marketing deal between Square Enix and PlayStation, which also includes early beta access for PS4 players (which just ended), timed-exclusive cosmetics, and free bundles for PS Plus subscribers. When asked about Spider-Man's exclusivity, Crystal Dynamics' studio head Scot Amos told IGN Japan that Xbox and PC players who want to play as the wall-crawler "have the option to do so on PlayStation."

Marvel's Avengers is hosting another beta this weekend from August 14-16 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The PS4 beta is open to everyone, while those on Xbox One and PC can access it by pre-ordering the game. The full game is set to launch on September 4 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, with PS5 and Xbox Series X versions releasing at some point later in the year.

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