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Making History with Sid Meier's Antietam!

Firaxis' upcoming Civil War sim will ship with an 1,800 page memoir of the battle at Antietam.


Firaxis Games announced Monday that its upcoming direct-order game, Sid Meier's Antietam! will feature the rarely seen chronicle of Ezra Carmen, the commanding officer of the 13th New Jersey Volunteers, who wrote about the bloody battle.

Carmen evidently wrote the chronicle of Antietam after corresponding with hundreds of veterans. The text totals about 1,800 pages, and significant portions of it will be reproduced for the first time in electronic format when Antietam is released this fall.

"Firaxis Games is taking a significant step in enhancing the public's knowledge of the Battle of Antietam by including all the relevant portions of Carmen's manuscript on the upcoming Sid Meier's Antietam," said Jeff Briggs, president of Firaxis Games. "It has been used as the source material for many books on the topic, but never have these pages been made available to the public at large. We are delighted to do this, and think it will significantly enhance the enjoyment of this title for many."

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