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Logitech Cordless Keyboard for Wii

Animal Crossing: City Folk is getting all sorts of new accessories. We covered the WiiSpeak microphone yesterday and today we have the Logitech Cordless Keyboard for Wii. Animal Crossing, between all the fruit gathering and fish catching, can be a text-intensive game if you're good about...


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Animal Crossing: City Folk is getting all sorts of new accessories. We covered the WiiSpeak microphone yesterday and today we have the Logitech Cordless Keyboard for Wii. Animal Crossing, between all the fruit gathering and fish catching, can be a text-intensive game if you're good about chatting with friends and writing letters to your neighbors begging them not to leave your town.

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The wireless keyboard is also great for browsing the Web on the Wii's Internet Channel. The keyboard also has several Wii-specific keys such as zoom-in, zoom-out, forward, back, OK, and quit that make navigation easier without having the Wiimote in hand all of the time.

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The keyboard requires two AA batteries and you will need an open USB port on your Wii for the board's wireless dongle. The board will be available in August with a $50 MSRP.

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