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Jon 'Babyknight' Andersen officially becomes part of MYM

The Danish player has been sighted on numerous occassions together with MYM in official matches, now the news is public and Babyknight is officially part of MYM.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

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Almost four years ago, Babyknight achieved his biggest success in the original Dota together with the legendary MYM squad as they placed 3rd at ESWC 2010. Now the player heralded as one of the biggest rising stars at the end of Dota 1's life cycle returns back to the team he started his professional esports career in.

With the acquisition of Andersen, there is one more open spot left in the line-up after both Andreas 'Cr1t' Franck Nielsen and Jonathan 'UNicorn' Arge left the roster a few days ago.

Photo Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

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