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James Butler Wins $1,250 Certificate

Tight last minute finish caps Gamespot Tournament TV's NASCAR SimRacing tournament.  Even with a last minute bump, Car #107, driven by James Butler (aka DirtyMopo), finished first to win the $1,250 gift certificate to, the grand prize given in Gamespot Tournament TV's NASCAR SimRacing...

Tight last minute finish caps Gamespot Tournament TV's NASCAR SimRacing tournament.  Even with a last minute bump, Car #107, driven by James Butler (aka DirtyMopo), finished first to win the $1,250 gift certificate to, the grand prize given in Gamespot Tournament TV's NASCAR SimRacing Pedal to the Metal Challenge. Car #28, driven by Michael Zitzke, finished second, taking home a $750 gift certificate, and Car #40, driven by Scott Smith, finsihed third, winning a $500 gift certificate. Watch the replay of the show yourself, and be sure to read the full report!

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