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Intriguing-Looking Survival Game Fade To Silence Revealed For PC, PS4, Xbox One

Don't freeze!


THQ Nordic has announced Fade to Silence, a survival game in development for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Developed by Black Forest Games, the studio behind Giana Sisters 2D, Giana Sisters: Dream Runners, and Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, Fade to Silence is described by its developer as a "survival game that truly elevates the genre."

The game made its debut at The Game Awards, where a trailer showed a character braving treacherous storm, riding a snowmobile and trekking through the snow as strange creatures close in around him. "Fade to Silence recreates the many dynamics of a harsh winter climate, delivering a new level of intensity to the survival experience," explained Reinhard Pollice, business and product developer at THQ Nordic.

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Players take control of Ash, who is described as a "natural leader" tasked with facing "eldritch monsters and the elements in a post-apocalyptic environment blanketed in endless winter." The game will launch on Steam Early Access on December 14 and will acclimatize the player with the ins and outs of expeditions, collecting materials, and upgrading equipment. Additionally, they will be able to establish camps and face off against the monsters lurking in the dark.

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"Players will continually struggle to navigate dynamic, accumulating snow, real-time snow trails, and completely immersive weather effects such as blizzards," said Black Forest Games' managing director Adrian Goersch.

Over time the studio intends to give Steam Early Access players "consistent and meaningful content updates throughout development, layering on new areas, followers, missions, monsters, and increasingly complex social events--events that demand moral decision-making on the part of the player."

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