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InterAct Accessories for the Game Boy

An attachable light, ear-phones, and radio tuner are now available.


InterAct Accessories has introduced three new products for owners of the Game Boy Color and the Game Boy Pocket. The first, the Flexi Light, attaches to the Game Boy and provides illumination in low light settings. The Tini Tuner is an FM receiver that hooks directly into the portable console and effectively converts it into an FM radio - and it's possible to play games and listen to the radio simultaneously. Finally, Ear Bud earphones offer stereo sound to Game Boy owners and can be used with the Tini Tuner. Gamers who purchase the Tini Tuner will receive a free pair of earphones with their purchase.

All of the accessories will be available in late July, and they all draw power from the Game Boy itself - no additional batteries are needed. The earphones and tuner will retail for US$9.99, while the light carries a suggested retail price of US$7.99.

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