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Infogrames Ships PGA European Tour

Infogrames's latest Nintendo golfing game hits stores this week.


Infrogrames announced today that its new golf simulator PGA European Tour is en route to retail stores around North America. The Nintendo 64 product features re-creations of four famous European golf courses and 64 prestigious golfers. Laddie Ervin, director of marketing for Infogrames' sports and racing titles, feels the time is right to give the North American consumer a cyberversion of some of the most celebrated players: "European golfers have become increasingly more popular in America with events like last year's Ryder Cup. PGA European Tour features virtually all the top European golfers while giving Nintendo 64 owners an intuitive yet realistic golf simulation." Steve Ballesteros, Nick Faldo, Colin Montgomerie, and Jose Maria Olazabal are the top names gracing the title, and players will go up against four of Europe's most treacherous courses: The K Club (Ireland), Druid's Glen (Ireland), Kungsangen (Sweden) or Quinta do Lago (Portugal). Modes of play include practice, strokeplay, matchplay, skins, driving range, putting range, and the EPGA Tour.

Developed by Infogrames' Sheffield House, PGA European Tour will retail for US$49.99.

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