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How to Unlock Metal Gear Solid 5 Quiet Scenes

Increasing the bond value with Quiet unlocks these scenes.


Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain has a number of buddies you can recruit, including the mysterious mute sniper Quiet. Here's how you can unlock some exclusive scenes with her.

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The first unlockable scene is the shower scene. The scene usually plays out with Ocelot throwing a bucket of water on the player if they have not showered for five days in a row. After mission 13, Quiet will interrupt Ocelot and shower with the player if their bond with her is above 60%.

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This scene can be unlocked after completing mission 30. Quiet must be in the helicopter with the player when they return to Mother Base, and the player's bond with her must be above 80%.

The bond with Quiet can be increased by going on missions with her. Her behaviour will also change as the bond value goes up. At higher bond levels she will move around and stretch while sitting on the chopper, and look at the player more often.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was released on September 1 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. The game also has a canine companion named Diamond Dog, who the player can rescue as a puppy.

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